Morning Sun Café - 아침해 카페




Academy Anniversary Speech


Letter from Grand Master Chan K. Yu


I extend my warm welcome and sincere congratulations to the invited guests, master instructors, black belts, and members of Yu’s Academy.


Yu’s Academy members are a group of dedicated Martial Arts practitioners of all ages and belt ranks from around the world.


If one man of great faith can move a mountain, as a Korean proverb says, I am sure that millions of devoted martial artists in the country can make a better America and World by helping our youth with self-discipline. We must help our youth develop their true confidence in mind and body.


It is our duty to devote ourselves to bettering the moral and academic health of society. There is an old Korean saying that says, it takes a year to harvest a crop, ten years to see the full beauty of a tree, and 50 years to make a man.


Yu’s Academy has developed students who seek an attitude that goes beyond the confines of athletic achievement and subscribes to a philosophy of integrity, discipline, and respect which can be integrated into the very fabric of their lives.


Yours Truly,

Grand Master Chan K Yu

Founder, Yu’s Academy






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